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Posts posted by Pyre

  1. Why not? Wouldn't you want the spares to last as long as possible? One set of fuel rods won't last you 300 years, so you will need spares to replace them, and since you can't turn off radioactivity, shouldn't you make some attempt to keep all the radioactivity contained inside the fuel rod as long as physically possible?

    Doesn't work that way. Radioactivity isn't something you can keep in a box. Making the container out of neutron reflective material means you have more neutrons passing through the fuel, causing it to "burn" faster.

  2. I'm terrible at this game, but I don't care.

    Everyone's making epic spaceships, and I'm just sitting here trying to build a decent station.

    EDIT: So I accidentally Alt-F4ed trying to take a screenshot (why the screenshot button is F4 is a very good question) and now the game crashes every time I load up the world. Good job, game.

    Sounds like your world got corrupted. Does the game still crash if you try to load a new one?

    In other news, we have another update! Copy/Paste/Delete functions are now in the game, which makes testing crash resistance much easier. We also have the beacon block, which puts a marker on your HUD that tells you how far away it is.


    Please? :3

    If you take the Uranium ingots out of the large reactors on the quickstart maps, and throw them through a ring(or 3) of 10 gravity generators, the results are...interesting.


    Now here's the fun bit: that screenshot is facing towards the grav-cannon. The ingot clipped through about a third of the ship before deciding to wreck the place. My next ship is so having one of those as a main weapon.

  4. New update has come, adding symmetry mode to ship construction and increasing astronaut speed to 105 m/s and letting you turn off inertial damping. Also, cargo pods now have items in them, though there isn't much to do with them yet.

    Next update looks like it might be 64bit capable, but we will have to wait and see. Still no word on multiplayer or survival mode yet.

  5. I don't believe it doesn't have an answer. The universe was created. By natural or random forces or through will in some way or another. Why wouldn't you ask the question?

    The word "why" implies intent. Intent implies a creating entity. Any being or beings capable of creating a universe would so utterly alien that trying to understand their motivations would be impossible. I would rather ask questions that can be answered, such as how the universe works.

    Sorry of this seems a bit ranty.

  6. Every time a discussion about radiation on Laythe comes up, people seem to forget something; it has a rather significant atmosphere, which should absorb a lot of radiation. Also, all those volcanoes mean a molten core, so Lathye may have a magnetosphere of it's own. Still have to deal with radiation on inbound/outbound flights, but that is just an engineering challenge.

  7. AFAIK because of the physics calculations on every single part of your ship plus the nature of n-body physics you would need a supercomputer to make it playable as a game.

    Actually, the physics calculations would be perfectly doable. The problem is that you can't do them in advance without them being ridiculously inaccurate.

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