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Everything posted by dew111

  1. Editing the game constants alone won't allow me to move the larger pieces. So I downloaded KIS and edited its constants to increase reach and weight limit. KIS is allowing me to move larger pieces.
  2. Hmmm. The construction range works, which makes things more convenient for sure. But I don't see a difference from increasing the weight limit.
  3. I am not very familiar with modding this game. Is this something I can change in a config file? Could you point me to those files if you can?
  4. Every time I land a base on a Mun or Planet, it seems to dance all over the place. Sometimes this is funny. But mostly it is annoying to destructive, as sometimes it will run over the surface deployed equipment. I would really like landing feet that have better friction with the surface or somehow attach or otherwise stay in place.
  5. Yeah I think it would be cool to be able to move around chunks. But I suspect that is a larger undertaking, as far as making a mod to allow it. I'm more looking for something to make it possible in the next day or two, even if it is tedious I also saw a bug in the game where two landed Mun bases that I had docked were still technically docked, even though the docking port broke off one of them and they were creeping across the surface separately. I ended up having to attach a docking port to an L-hinge because when I tried to place it on the body of the base, the whole thing would just blow up. That's gotta be a bug lol I haven't used KAS. I started playing again around the time Some Reassembly Required was released, and I figured KAS might interfere or collide with the new game functionality. Does KAS allow for moving around subassemblies?
  6. Yeah I think it would be more fun to do it in flight.
  7. Yeah I guess that works. I could just use the parts the current craft has and pretend I did it lol. Increasing the weight limit is kind of a cheat anyway.
  8. I have a craft nearing Dres. The original plan was for it to land and create fuel for a return trip. Unfortunately it is way too massive and the in-game delta V calculator was not showing what I thought it was. Anyway, I would like to be able to do some serious editing of the ship to save weight and reconfigure to still do a halfway decent mission. Otherwise this is either going to turn into a fly-by or maybe I keep them in orbit at Dres until I can mount a rescue mission Is there a config file I can edit to allow my engineer to rebuild bigger/more massive parts? Thanks
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