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Kettle Vallei

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  1. So, I determined the issue with the drogue is a combination problem. 1st) The drogue was not actually attached to the Command Module, drogue detaching with rest of vessel 2nd) I think there were some issues when I was using the sub-assemblies feature, one of the RCS anywhere thrusters became the parent part some how ( probably a miss click on my part) VoidSquid, I tried to strip it down and remove all the non stock parts but I just keep running into issues with this craft. I'm gonna write it off as a fail and delete the craft file. Thanks for all the help with this issue
  2. I ve been creeping this forum for a little while and I read the stickies. (like a good forum user) I have included a ckan modpack file as well as a modpack .txt in the original dropbox. If I recall correctly I used a number of Buffalo, Pathfinder, and remote tech parts on the satellites. As well as having both DLC installed. I can strip down the craft to stock parts and see what happens and upload the craft file as well. I'll try to do that tonight or tomorrow morning.
  3. Sorry this is late, had some personal stuff come up last night. I ran the craft again with the fairing part completely removed, ( replaced it with a a Rockomax adaptor) re-added the same number of struts to the same spots, same failure. However upon checking the debug console I no longer get KER trying to start a Simulation. Screenshot of Flight Results, Debug, and Craft It's a bizarre oddity. After posting this I tested one more time but I enabled Auto-strut to heaviest part on both drogue chutes, and enabled rigid attachment, results in same failure.
  4. No, I didn't mean to imply that KER was causing the kraken, just that I'm not sure why a piece falling off and hitting another piece would cause KER to start a simulation and go bonkers. I'm sure the piece coming off has to do with it not being correctly attached or something
  5. Thanks for the responses, I had no idea that pressing that key would bring that up, I also found the debug menu key, and used that. Using the new data sources I re-ran the flight in its original state to see what would show up, what it looks like is that the radial drogue chute I had attached to the command pod become detached and slammed into a hydraulic cylinder. this apparently caused KER to throw a fit because it started to throw crazy logs right after ( see spoiler for log excerpt). I snapped a screenshot of the Flight Results window Buggy Flight Results . I then reverted the craft to the VAB and removed the drogue chute, re-saved it as a new craft ( to preserve teh original for further testing) and then launched it. I had no issues with the second flight and have just reached space, the flight results look good and the debug console is clean, Fixed Flight Results. I am not sure what exactly caused the drogue chute to fail and cause KER to throw fits, I can't make heads or tails of the log data. Again thank you for the help guys.
  6. So this is my first post to the forum. Not sure what's causing it but when I attempt to launch this craft it goes well , then there is an explosion ABOVE the nose, the craft will then accelerate ridiculously fast and begin to disintegrate. I am not too worried about fixing it as it only seems to affect this craft, but I figured its interesting enough to share. I have included the logs, and files and a list of installed mods, it should all be in this file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5l2bt4x7xlqgcrt/AABPCu-s-nIyo2YxD9Ic7KyHa?dl=0
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