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  1. I haven't been to able to reproduce this in my own testing even with a command pod that doesn't have any cargo slots defined. What other mods do you have installed?
  2. It does! By default, it will make sure the periapsis is at least 10000 m on atmosphere-less bodies. If that is still too low for some bodies, you can override that on a per body basis in the config using a module manager patch like the following: @RESCUE_CONTRACT_FIX_CONFIG { BODY { name = Mun minPeriapsis = 15000 } }
  3. Just released a new version: KSP Rescue Contract Fix 1.1.0 Fixed the Mk4 BFS-4200 Cargo Pod being whitelisted instead of the Mk4 BFS-4200 Command Pod from Tundra Exploration. Added in-game difficulty settings to allow turning on/off the following: Part restrictions for Kerbal only rescues Part restrictions for Kerbal and Pod recoveries Orbit Fix Individual parts on the allow list
  4. Description KSPRescueContractFix fixes the following issues with KSP's stock rescue contract when using mods: Kerbals spawning in crewed parts without EVA hatches Rescue Contract orbits are sometimes spawned inside the atmosphere when using a rescaled planet pack Kerbals spawning in crewed parts without EVA hatches Anytime a Kerbal rescue contract is offered, the part will be checked against an allowed parts list and replaced with a random allowed part if it's not on the list. For contracts where you have to recover both the Kerbal and the part, the mod will attempt to choose an allowed part that is close in mass. Contracts where you have to recover just a part are not effected by the allowed parts list. Also, as this only works when the contract is first offered, it will not fix any existing offered or accepted contracts. The list of allowed parts is configured through the config file RescueContract.cfg and additional parts can be added through a Module Manager patch or manually editing the file. Out of the box, parts from Stock, Making History, and the following mods are supported: Airplane Plus Bluedog Design Bureau HabTech 2 Mark IV Spaceplane System Nearfuture Spacecraft reDIRECT SOCK Station Parts Expansion Redux Tantares Tundra Exploration Rescue Contract orbits are sometimes spawned inside the atmosphere when using a rescaled planet pack Anytime an orbital rescue contract is accepted, the spawned vessel's orbit is checked to see if the periapsis falls inside the planet's atmosphere and if it does, raises the periapsis above the atmosphere. The apoapsis is also raised in order maintain the original orbit's eccentricity. More specifically, only the semi-major axis of the orbit is changed; all other orbital parameters are left alone (eccentricity, inclination, argument of the periapsis, longitude of the ascending node, and mean anomaly at epoch). As this fix happens on contract acceptance, it will not work on any already accepted contracts. Configuration For additional details on the configuration file format, see the README on Github. Downloads Github Spacedock Dependencies Module Manager Acknowledgements The rescue contract part replacement is based off of @Shadowmage KSP Rescue Pod Validator License KSPRescueContractFix is licensed under the GPLv3.
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