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Posts posted by Thinine

  1. My 2.8 i7 iMac lags with ships over 100 parts and during launch/landing when the Kerbin horizon is in the frame. If I look straight down or straight up, the FPS levels off at a much higher rate. I\'ve tried messing with the graphical options, but nothing seems to help. Other than that, performance has been pretty good.

  2. I\'ve been noticing low forces as well. My 110 G entry was going just over 5k m/s but I haven\'t been able to reach that again, despite getting over 7500 m/s on entry. I\'m thinking it has something to do with the framerate. That is, the lower the framerate (looking toward the planet), the higher the g-force because the engine does fewer samples per second and can get higher rates.

    Also, in my quest for higher entry speeds I\'ve done several gravity assisted flybys. What does it mean when the system map doesn\'t show a trajectory for the capsule? I\'m assuming it means I\'ve reached system escape velocity. I was over 13000 m/s at any rate.

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