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  1. Hi Superfluous Just found a post of yours from early 2019 where the same problem occurred and it turned out to be a mod Remote Tech that might have been causing the issue. hadnt realised i had that mod and have removed, restarted the game and the comms info is there. So thanks again for the historical pointer
  2. Hi Superflous Tried using my dropbox but as a new member i think its not able to link to a url at the moment until i have enough posts. In answer though, in the top left of the screen i can see the warp arrows ( and use them ), directly below that there is the T+ time info box, to the right of the time is the MET button, to the right of the MET button is a Warp to Sunrise button. Below the time is a further box with a red N/A in it and on the right of that is an icon that looks like a calculator with a red background. Hope that is descriptive
  3. Hi, New player here. I am currently trying to get a probe out to Minmus. Please can i check if there is a way to turn on the information regarding the intercraft communications that i can see on a number of tutorial videos . top left hand corner of the screen in map mode, located to the right of MET button, which seems to show icons for signal strength, line of sight connection etc. ( can not see how to add an screenshot of the area) Perhaps it is affected by a Mod ? i have mainly KER and Mech installed on ver 1.11 including Breaking Ground and Making History add ons. Tracking station and Mission Control are both at level 2 many thanks
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