I created one with 3 functions called Kerbin to Mun and Back, "kerbintomun.lua". Kerbin to Mun (Credit to R4m0n), Mun to Kerbin (Credit to Olex), and Round Trip, that lands you on the mun, waits 30 seconds, and brings you back to Kerbin. Functions are: GoMun(lat, lon) (leaving them blank lands you at (0, 14)) GoKerbin(lat, lon) (leaving them blank land you at the KSC) RoundTrip(munlat, munlon, kerblat, kerblon) (leaving them blank uses the defaults listed above) I'm currently working on a ship that works perfectly with the Round Trip function. Should I post that here or in the ship exchange? http://pastebin.com/GzrWa82t -- -- Kerbin to Mun and Back by B25Mich -- Version 1.0 -- -- for MechJeb 1.9.1 -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Usage: * save to KSP/PluginData/mumechlib/kerbintomun.lua -- * in game, open autom8 -- * enter: dofile("kerbintomun.lua") -- * and follow the instructions. -------------------------------------------------------- function GoMunDriver(lat, lon) print "Launching..." mechjeb.launchTo(125000, 0) wait(mechjeb.free) mechjeb.autoStageActivate() print "TMI..." mechjeb.transfer("Mun", 200000) wait(mechjeb.free) print "Warping to SoI..." mechjeb.warpToEvent("soi") wait(mechjeb.free) print "Warping to Pe..." mechjeb.warpToEvent("pe", 30) wait(mechjeb.free) print "Circularizing orbit..." mechjeb.circularize() wait(mechjeb.free) print "Landing..." if (lat == nil or lon == nil) then mechjeb.landAt(0, 14) else mechjeb.landAt(lat, lon) end wait(mechjeb.free) mechjeb.autoStageDeactivate() print "Landed!" end function GoKerbinDriver(lat, lon) print "Lifting off..." mechjeb.attitudeTo("up", "SURFACE_NORTH") -- vertical ascent mechjeb.thrustActivate(100) while vessel.altitudeTrue < 300 do wait(0.25) end print "Escaping the Mun..." -- this needs to be optimized. figure out an escape vector -- that is as close as possible to the opposite of Mun's orbital velocity -- but not lower than 0° to the surface mechjeb.attitudeTo("right", "SURFACE_NORTH") -- heading east while vessel.orbitEccentricity < 1 do wait(0.25) end mechjeb.thrustDeactivate() print "Coasting to Mun escape, hang on." mechjeb.warpToEvent("soi") wait(mechjeb.free) print("Lowering Kerbin periapsis to 100 km...") mechjeb.changePe(100 * 1000) wait(mechjeb.free) print "Warping to Pe..." mechjeb.warpToEvent("pe", 30) wait(mechjeb.free) print "Circularizing orbit..." mechjeb.circularize() wait(mechjeb.free) print "Re-entry... hold onto something." mechjeb.landAt(-0.103, -74.575) wait(mechjeb.free) mechjeb.autoStageDeactivate() print "Landed!" end function WaitForLandingDriver(lat, lon) wait(30) while vessel.altitudeBottom > 5 do wait(5) end print "Prepare for launch." wait(30) local co = coroutine.create(GoKerbinDriver) coroutine.resume(co, lat, lon) end function GoKerbin(lat, lon) local co = coroutine.create(GoKerbinDriver) coroutine.resume(co, lat, lon) end function GoMun(lat, lon) local co = coroutine.create(GoMunDriver) coroutine.resume(co, lat, lon) end function RoundTrip(munlat, munlon, kerblat, kerblon) local co1 = coroutine.create(GoMunDriver) coroutine.resume(co1, munlat, munlon) local co2 = coroutine.create(WaitForLandingDriver) coroutine.resume(co2, kerblat, kerblon) end print "Usage: GoMun(lat, lon)" print "Usage: GoKerbin(lat, lon)" print "Usage: RoundTrip(munlat, munlon, kerbinlat, kerbinlon)"