Hi all,
I've been to Duna with a lander + rover, and now I would like to lift off from Duna. My ship has a center tank, a capsule, a docking port, 2 side tanks with 2 engines, 3 landing legs and an antenna (see image and persistent file). I've done the error to make a disymetric ship, so I would like to cheat a bit to be able to lift off. I have modified the files to set landing legs and antenna mass to 0:
persistent.sfs file
However, when I lift off, it is totally unstable (see video) even with SAS activated. I also try to activate the prograde stabilization, it stays stable a bit, then start to oscillate arround prograde point until the moment it spins upside down again
I have no idea why my ship in not stable. Any clue? What can I do to be able to lift off?
Thank you for your help