There are alot more questions I am thinking about because I enjoy this idea as a way to play the game. The true life Evel Kneivel was a iconic character in his time, so I am researching him as well to maybe match his outrageousness and bigger than life style.
I wasn't even thinking to jump and land on top of the V.A.B. I was just curious what a jump would look like. I hit the lamp post in flight and that thing wrecked my vehicle in spectacular form. It was GREAT!
I believe the best way to jump is using an external command seat. This is because sometimes Kerbals are knocked out of the seats. They are projected way in front of the vehicle. Sometimes they explode on impact. Exploding Kerbals will register on my seismometers I have placed to collect science in different biomes. That's fun, too. I think external command seats are the way to go because it is spectacular to watch the crashes happen. And maybe I can hit the bracket key in time to focus the view on the flying Kerbal.
Is there a non-mod way I can change the pilot's name to the stunt character's name?
I believe I can make my own custom flag for cosmetic attentions. That will help the obnoxious red, white and blue decorations I'd like to use. Can I have more than one flag in use at one time? Probably not. But I wonder if focusing the spotlights and selecting the colors onto the stationary flag part will create the variety of color patterns I would like to use.
The suggestion to use the runway for experimenting with ramp designs is a good one. And I am wondering what can be the Kerbin equivalent of jumping through a ring of fire with the Kerbal tools we have available for us to be used in place of the ring of fire.
Strut connectors give us an explosion when they are broken. I will also think of finding a way to lay struts on the ground for the entire length in the runway. In theory, running over the struts will break them and cause an explosion that doesn't affect the accelerating vehicle. I want to try to use those as trip wires that are evenly spaced for audio effect that pronounce the acceleration of the vehicle from the fully rested full stop to the end of travel where the vehicle hits the ramp at top speed.
And my dumbest question. I'm using common sense to think the answer must be "No." But has anybody ever seen a design for a two wheeled vehicle that approaches being a bike or a motorcycle? I think Kaptain Keval Kneival must use a motorcycle if that is something that exists.