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Everything posted by CarlosMagni

  1. Hi, I got a problem, when i'm in orbit, i lost a part of my fuel every second, and when i warp a lot, my tank is empty. I want to disabled this function, which file could i modify? Real Fuel is "too simulation" for me, i like real solar system etc.. But it's quite complicated with all this parameters...
  2. Hi, thanks for your answer, check my screenshot, you have all informations: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YBy2R8eaEpqp67kJkyxc9uXVO7sAFZQO/view?usp=sharing
  3. Hello everybody. I have the lastest version of Real solar system, realism overhaul, real plume, RealScaleBoosters, mechjeb 2. I got a problem, i can't go in orbit with realistic consumption. I made a realistic saturn5 with all of his components . My saturn 5 can't go to the moon! I use a lot my s4b to finished my orbit (just 250km i can't go higher). My Second stage with 5 j2 motors is really slow, it's literally impossible to get a realistic orbit. And mechjeb 2 is stuck in "initializing" in RO mod. What's wrong with Real solart system and mechjeb?? Thanks
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