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Everything posted by vinterskugge

  1. Hello, so I wanted to ask if anyone has any tips for how to land the Space Shuttle in Real Solar System. Now, in stock KSP I'm quite competent with the Shuttles as I have done many missions and it's not that big of a deal, but I really can't land at the space center in RSS. I am trying to land from a 5 degree inclination orbit at Kourou, which is kinda similar to landing at the KSC from an equatorial orbit in stock. If I use the mechJeb landing guide and before re-entry I get an expected landing at say 63 degrees long W (the center is at 52 degrees W, so I take a marge of error for the expected landing of 10-11 degrees) I am still overshooting by at least 3 or 4 degrees longitude, and I don't have enough DeltaV for a longer burn before re-entry. Do you guys know what could I do to get a hold on how am I supposed to de-orbit in order to land where I'm supposed to, or at least some mod that is competent enough to calculate a trajectory through Earth's atmosphere?
  2. Well it's weird. I deleted the save file in which this happened first, started a new game and now it works. But before this I tried to create a new game while still having that first one, and the same problem appeared on the new game too. I can't begin to understand what's the logic behind it, but if it works, it works. Hopefully it won't happen again.
  3. I don't even own a joystick, I'm using keyboard xD And the keyboard works alright. Well either way, guess I'll just have to get used to it. Thank you for trying to help though.
  4. They are showing a rolling movement, all the way to the left and right. If that's what you mean.
  5. I use keyboard. I checked the key-bindings too, I also reset the game settings, and I just re-installed the game, and nothing. I'm thinking it could be one of the mods, but I don't know which one, because the only new mod that I installed around the time this first happened was US Rockets and Probes, but I deleted those and it didn't fix it.
  6. No, I also tried that, I forgot to mention it. Okay, here you go. This is DECQ's Saturn V, just to make it clear that I didn't screw up the craft. https://filebin.net/7miqc3ugmkd5moi1/video-1613684609.mp4?t=f4kilqz1
  7. It is every single craft, even rockets that I downloaded, like DECQ's Saturn V for instance, so as I said, they are not built wrong. They all used to work until Sunday I believe, and now they don't. I did multiple missions before, and they are not sounding rockets. Also, it has nothing to do with the altitude, it happens equally at 1000m or in deep space. And no, the game version didn't change. As I said, what happens is that when I turn of SAS, the engines start gimbaling in a rolling motion, as if I were pressing E or Q on the keyboard, which I obviously don't. I would put a video of what happens but idk how lol.
  8. Hello, does anyone have an idea about what could make rockets to roll if SAS is turned off? Every time I turn on Smart A.S.S., which automatically turns of the SAS, or I just turn it off myself, the engines on the rockets start gimbaling in such a way that the rocket starts an uncontrollable rolling motion. It's not the way I built them that is wrong, because they used to work before, and every single one of them does this, plus, it's not that they're unbalanced, it's the engines that are gimbaling for some reason, as I said. I also reset the game settings, took out every mod I installed ever since this started, I reset Mechjeb, tried to create a new game, literally everything I've done has not fixed this issue, and I couldn't find anything online about it. I play RO/RSS and use Real Engines, US Rockets/Probes, KW Rocketry and Procedural Parts if that matters, but again, it all went well until a couple days ago, so I don't believe it's these mods that cause it.
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