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Michal Salat

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  1. I have played with that, it is definitely not labeled as a rover - there is just the one I sent there myself. I have also seen some people reporting it labeled as debris, but there is none on the surface of the Mun either. I do not have that many vessels tracked, so I went through all of them and didn't find any that would not be mine. To me, this seems like a bug, but I'd like to have it confirmed.
  2. Hi, I am running Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us I have accepted a mission to fix a rover on the Mun. In the description it states, that after I accept, the rover will be visible in the tracking station - I cannot find it there. There is no name in the description and in the mission sidebar, it only states that I should move the rover, again no name, nothing. I only see (what I presume is) the target destination, but not the rover. I have sent a vessel with two engineers to the location, but even with activated navigation, the marker doesn't show on the navball. I tried to look into the persistent.sfs to see if there is more info, but to no result: I have even tried to build a whole new rover on the mun, but because the physics cannot be stopped, that is not only annoying, but also quite hard. Event with the new rover the mission didn't complete. What am I supposed to do?
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