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Posts posted by Obsidian

  1. Sometimes the call has to be made, but if it isn't difficult to recover the Kerbals, I would say rescue them, but if the difficulty is there, it could provide for some new learning experiences, or I would say terminate it from the tracking station.

  2. Obsidian,

    Did you get the newest version of Mechjeb? I was having that problem with 2.0.8, the version should be on the zipfile's name. When I downloaded the 2.0.9 version, it fixed that problem. Remember to remove the old version from the Game Data folder.

    you can download 2.0.9 here:


    I am sure that will solve your problem. If you do and it works, can you tell me if the MechJeb tab on the right side of the screen is moveable? Mine is not and it is blocking the tab for the LazorSystem, which is right under it. Would appreciate it!!

    Must've been an old download link, because I swear I was putting .9 in, but I redid it and it worked, to answer your question, no it is not moveable.

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