I have a unsolved problem which i couldn't handle, and i would like to somebody help me.
After a several time spending to finding the "right" version and all bugs corrections to use Unity properly, all my internal files, when i load it, the Position / Rotation / Scales are messed up!
I've recognized analyzing the files in ".cfg", the Part Tools is not reading the dots in the vectors. So, for example: 0.0345 turns in 345 when I load it in Unity, as you can see below in the link:
My tools versions +configs:
KSP 1.11 (Game Data with A.S.E.T + JSI + DE_IVAExtension + Squad + Expansions)
Unity 2019.2.2f1
Part Tools 1.8.0
TM Pro 1.0.56
Texture Issues Fixed following these two topics
Thanks for everything!