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  1. @AVaughan Fuel cells are, for sure. Scrubber I'm not sure, but I did a test with a new game, using cheats to have a lot of science right away, and researching most of the three up to the elssc, but still I couldn't configure anything. Adding to that, if I right click on fuel cell or an elssc in the VAB parts lost to check the part's info, it shows me all the possibile processes, but it says it's not reconfigurable, but that might mean I can't do that on flight, so I'm not sure if it's related.
  2. @AVaughan I have both ROKerbalism and Harmony. With some meddling with the install I managed to be able to configure experiments, but scrubbers or fuel Cell still are a no go. Adding to that, I have this issue only in career mode, in sandbox mode It works fine.
  3. I' m not sure if it is a bug or not, I am new to kerbalism, but I have an issue. When in the VAB I can't put experiments in a probe core, the configure button doesn't show up. And if I take a pod, even if a "configure scrubber" button shows up, it does nothing. Because of this I cant't even hope to reach any celestial body. Could anybody help me figure this out? I have done my research, but found nothing. I'm playing on Ksp 1.8.1 with RSS, RO and the last kerbalism version.
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