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  1. I am using procedural fairing in a science save and I can't seem to access it. Normal fairing is no longer in the tech tree, and I can't figure out how to use the mod to create fairing. Is this normal? How do I use fairing? EDIT: I am also using Near Future series and Community Tech Tree.
  2. No clue what is happening at all Here is a video of it happening - https://filebin.net/ixizcrprnljm71oz Error in console says "NullReferenceException" Similar issue I found on the bug tracker - https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26190 Mods installed MechJeb 2 StageRecovery DockRotate KoS Docking Alignment Indicator Will report the bug on the bug tracker if no one can help, just don't want to go through disabling all mods. Both ships are stock parts.
  3. Attached is a video showing the bug. Basically after undocking the camera remains at the spot both ships were, not following either. I have control over one, and the other I no longer have control over OR can see on the map view. Ships are weirdly accelerating, and I cannot exit to Tracking Station. One is manned, other has probe core. I have tried restarting and the issue persists. Video - https://filebin.net/ixizcrprnljm71oz More info - One ship is a Duna lander, other is a orbital refueling station. Refueled multiple times with other ships with no issues. Docking ports are both shielded. I have electric charge, fuel, and a probe core on the docking station. Duna Lander has both probe and manned capsules (for skycrane on landing). Any help is appreciated. EDIT: I did not notice before but I also lose all staging, but can still fire my boosters as seen in the video.
  4. Why is my rocket tipping? OK so I know this a commonly asked question, but I cannot figure out why my rocket is tipping. Immediately after launch (less than 5 secs) it begins turning in a random direction (different each time), until its facing down. The purpose of the rocket is to bring some mining equipment to the surface of Ike. Here are some pictures I have removed the fairing that would be at the top usually. The first is a pic of the whole rocket, the second the mining part with the hinge inward (where it would be for takeoff), and the third the hinge outward (Where it would be for mining) Here is the craft file - https://easyupload.io/deijvl All help is appreciated, thanks. If you also need the LoadMeta file for the craft (I am new to this), I can edit the post just tell me. I am using the Breaking Ground DLC
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