Attached is a video showing the bug. Basically after undocking the camera remains at the spot both ships were, not following either. I have control over one, and the other I no longer have control over OR can see on the map view. Ships are weirdly accelerating, and I cannot exit to Tracking Station. One is manned, other has probe core. I have tried restarting and the issue persists.
Video -
More info - One ship is a Duna lander, other is a orbital refueling station. Refueled multiple times with other ships with no issues. Docking ports are both shielded. I have electric charge, fuel, and a probe core on the docking station. Duna Lander has both probe and manned capsules (for skycrane on landing).
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: I did not notice before but I also lose all staging, but can still fire my boosters as seen in the video.