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Everything posted by artfulshrapnel

  1. Might make sense to attach a circular 'mount' to the engine, so it can be easily combined with existing fuel tanks? Either that or a series of 'adapters' in various sizes to stack between the engine and the fuel tanks? You could put a little fuel in the adapters too, so they aren\'t wasted space.
  2. So, I\'ve built decouplers, fins, engines, and a bunch of other horribly broken stuff. The visuals I\'m feeling good about but it definitely needs some refining still in terms of stats. That said, we here at Radium Rockets have a saying: If it doesn\'t explode (much), it\'s ready for the consumer! So in the spirit of protecting the consumer from overprotection, we\'re proud to release the Radium Rockets Beta v0.1! https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1em5Clg0XfeNVhSWDVVVVJFSWs Don\'t know if you\'ll actually be able to download that, so let me know. This whole Google Drive thing is strange and confusing to me (just like the mystery of how our own drives work!)
  3. Wow, that engine looks spectacular! If you need any pointers on unwrapping, just let me know. I\'ve been fighting my way thru the 3ds UV system for a while now. I hope optimizing didn\'t hurt that silhouette too much, because it looks great the way you\'re showing it off. Also wow, That RD-170 is gonna be rough to get done inside the usual polycount limits for this game. You might want to look into texturing as a way to simulate more detail with fewer polys? Especially with those pipes and radial clams that are almost flush with the engine nozzle, you could just make them a surface bump and paint in some shading to make it look like it\'s a pipe?
  4. I\'d be willing to help with texturing if you\'d like? I\'ve got some of my recent Kerbal type with in this thread over here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10594.0 I do stuff in both Zbrush and Photoshop if that makes and difference, and one upside is that I usually can generate normal/spec/AO maps from my Zbrush sculpts if you want them.
  5. Thanks! Right now she handles pretty well, but mostly because her nuclear powered rockets can exert up to 1500 units of force while using almost no fuel... Might need to tone down the ridiculousness a bit to leave some challenge in the game. Unfortunately, I won\'t be able to do all the things I wanted with the fins. Originally I\'d intended for them to have built-in RCS nozzles and also act as stabilizers, but parts can\'t currently fill two roles. For now they\'re acting as control surfaces, in the future I may lock them in place and make some micro RCS nozzles to stick on them.
  6. I think this is pre-V2 era. This is Flash Gordon space development, where Radium take you to the stars, and lasers are practical! And on that note... We have liftoff! First five parts are in the game, three fuel tank/adapters, fins, and a simple retro style engine. Using the stock cockpit for now until I get my own imported. The texture on the fins is a bit lazy and I\'m going to pretty it up soon, but tonight I just wanted to get parts in the game and see how they looked.
  7. Thanks for the kind words everyone! I spent some time tonight trying to get to grips with the basics of Unity import (I\'m more familiar with UDK) and hope to have some ingame graphics to show off for tomorrow. The parts I\'m showing here fit on a standard 3m tank/engine and will hold a standard 1m capsule, so I should be able to test launch it no problem if I can get it imported... In the meantime, texturing continues at a slow but steady rate! No kerbonauts in this part, but it has been pointed out to me that my spaceship slightly resembles a very dour Kerbalite! (see left of the attached image) Thanks Capt\'n Skunky! Wasn\'t sure if that would work with BBcode or not and decided to play it safe. I will make sure to use it next time. I sure hope not: he\'s the part I had the most fun painting! Also, thanks, I can\'t wait to see these ingame either! Cool, thanks for the tips! Glad to know they won\'t be a huge stumbling block. My confidence in my Unity skills is a bit lacking, so anything that I don\'t have to fight will be a wonderful help. @RC1062, Emilio, C7 and NovaSilisko: Thanks guys! I\'ll do my best to produce something worth following!
  8. Okay, quick preview before I call it a night: This is about what the textures for this pack are going to look like. Think '50\'s diner or carnival ride, left in a warehouse for 70 years, then used to launch innocent kerbalites into space'.
  9. Coming soon to a space agency near you, these amazing radium powered rockets have been uncovered in a crate-filled warehouse developed by the greatest scientific minds in the world, to fling you on the adventure of a lifetime! The first pack will include a variety of hand-crafted fuel compartments/crew decks, artisan wings, vintage rocket engines, and even a space age nylon parachute system. Special Features: [li]Our Space Adventure Fins have integrated RCS systems, allowing you to keep your rocket on course without sacrificing the latest in styles![/li] [li]Both the Safe-T-Glide Parachute and our Escape Action Impact Rockettm are small enough to fit inside our standard Atom-Thintm Decouplers![/li] [li]By combining fuel storage and passenger decks, we allow you to travel the cosmos in luxury, without running out of gas! for your safety, smoking is not advised on crew decks[/li] [li]Our Radium Rockettm engines come in a variety of standard and gimbaled thrust styles, with all the fuel efficiency of a Cadillac and the power of the Atom at your fingertips! warning: do not place fingertips near Radium Rockets[/li] [li]Our hand-milled rocket parts come in a standard array of 1m, 2m, and 3m connections for easy integration with existing rocket lines. We here at Radium Rockets aren\'t afraid to share: Once you experience the power of Radium, everything else will pale in comparison! warning: if objects actually begin to pale, please cover eyes with lead and seek medical attention[/li] Attached, you\'ll find a set of the lastest high-tech computerized renders of the parts in our latest release, color coded by function. All parts have less than 2500k tris (the tech guys made me say that, no idea what it means) and an average of less than 500, and have already been set up with collision meshes and unwrapped. Texturing should happen over the next week or two. What I need help with is getting these things into the darn computer. I keep folding the pictures up and shoving them in a floppy drive, but it\'s no use! Is there a KSP Guru out there who can help get these items on the interwebs? UPDATE: V 0.1 Available! It contains only some of the parts and they still need some tweaking, but I\'ve been having fun cruising around the local area like a space adventuer. Here\'s the link, I\'ll ad photos when I\'m caught up with real work stuff! https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1em5Clg0XfeNVhSWDVVVVJFSWs
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