I'm trying to re-root on Xbox series X.
0. I'm in the VAB and have edited a ship I loaded.
1. I select the re-root tool at the far right.
2. I select my current root which is unmanned.
3. I select the object directly under the object I selected on step 2, which can be a part that either can or can not control a ship.
4. I expect the re-root procedure to be complete, and I expect that the re-root tool to deactivate.
5. I find that the re-root tool is still highlighted and that when I point at an object it highlights as though it still expected me to select a new root.
6. I press the Red B button on my controller.
7. I expect the re-root procedure to be canceled.
8. I find my entire ship is deleted.
9. I use the undelete tool and my entire ship is returned.