Hi all,
I've been exploring the Other Worlds Reboot planets, and I've encountered a weird glitch with the landing gear I've been using for my SSTO. I can land on a planet fine, but when I try to take off, my wheels roll just fine before partially sinking into the ground and refusing to roll properly. I'm not sure how to explain it well so I will attach a video of the problem below. Interestingly, I was able to initially take off from the KSC runway with no problems, and this problem persists with the small and medium landing gear (I have not tested any other landing gear or wheels). Additionally when this happens, the following appears and is spammed in the KSP log:
[LOG 22:14:28.168] Part SmallGearBay exited collision with Vassa Xn123200333312, but it wasn't in collision count list!
Furthermore, when I hack the gravity to 0.01 and take off, I can fly the craft but I get the glitch where the game says the craft is landed when it is clearly not. I also figured out that if I used the cheat menu to land a vessel right next to my landed SSTO, then this problem completely vanishes. I've been doing this for a while but its getting annoying to do every single time!
Video of problem, this video was taken on Vassa, but this problem has occurred on two other moons in the OWR planet pack, I have not tested other planets.
KSP Version 1.12.5
Build ID 03190
Launched via Steam
Modlist, all installed via CKAN except for volumetric clouds and KSS2