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  1. Possible Game-Breaking Bug For 1.10.1 Blocking Progression Hi guys! In my rp1 save for 1.10.1 Im running into a bug I think may be game-breaking and Im worried there may not be a fix for 1.110.1. There is a bug report here (https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26961) and it seems the devs fixed the bug for 1.11.2 but it is still present in 1.10.1. Its been happening on my lunar impactor/flyby/orbitor missions but Im not sure what the conditions are that make it happen. When it happens: 1. I am unable to save, F5 does nothing and the save game button freezes the game until I hit escape and then it unfreezes. 2. No buttons that would allow me to leave the probe/mission or cause the game to save work (main menu, space center, tracking station, etc.). They just freeze the game until I hit escape. The only way to exit the situation is task manager. 3. Sometimes but not all the time the bug will induce 100% cpu usage and cause the game to drop from 40-60 fps to 1-3 fps, this only happens when the unable to save situation happens. There seems to be no way to tell that the bug has started until I try to save and cant or the game drops to 1 fps. 4. When I restart the game and go back to the last save I had with that probe, the bug starts again at roughly the same time/place it did the last time so I have to revert to before that probe was launched. Sometimes that works and allows me to finish the mission but sometimes it doesnt. If that does work the bug happens again to the next probe I launch. Now its taking me a whole afternoon of restarting the game and trying previous saves to see if they work just to launch 1-2 probes so I am unable to progress in my save anymore. Im worried that if the bug is only fixed in 1.11.2 and not 1.10.1 and there isnt a workaround I will have to abandon my save. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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