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Kristian Kerman

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  1. So I tried installing scatterer recently, put it in game data and it didn't work, I also tried installing ksp interstellar but it didn't work too. Anyone know how to fix this, Do I need to reload the game or something?
  2. I made a space station that is inspired by the US Airforce's manned orbital laboratory Here's a picture of it flying over the south pole:
  3. Mine is a mun landing, I've never been able to land on the mun properly, my lander always tips over
  4. For me it was the time I got into a sub orbital trajectory with my stupid amazing rocket design. Here's my disgusting lovely rocket. I'm a great rocket scientist right?
  5. I was doing scenario called "Prospecting Eeloo" and i failed the scenario, I want to restart it but I don't know how to restart it, I tried quitting to menu and reopening it but it didn't work, How do I restart it?
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