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Posts posted by DockingHater

  1. 14 hours ago, Nertea said:

    Oh. yeah I am not changing that for you. Sorry, you'll have to do that yourself. 

    Yeah, that's fair. From what I saw in the development thread, you've definitely got more important things that you're working on, especially considering that the current texture does look good. I prefer the black and white texture just because I place probably too much emphasis on color themes, but the tan is a lot more realistic.

    That aside, I will say that I do very much enjoy the mod. It's insane how much detail you managed to put into it. Even more so given how many mods you've made for the game that are the same quality. I haven't gotten around to actually building a station in orbit yet, but the model I've been building in the VAB looks so much better than what I was able to build before I installed it.

  2. 12 hours ago, Nertea said:

    Considering that there is no tan going on in this mod (except in the in development section, which is discussed in the development thread) you should either go there or find out which mod you're discussing. 

    Huh, I checked out the screenshot gallery and you're definitely correct. For me, the inflatable centrifuges have tan bits on the joints kind of.  I looked into the development threat, but I just have the version from the listed links, 1.4, not the 2.0.0 build. I've tried running the game with no other mods installed, besides the required ones, but no luck.

    Edit: Here's a screenshot of the Coriolis centrifuge.BBn50C0.jpg

  3. 6 hours ago, Echo__3 said:

    15t landing at 3 m/s is 135000N of force. That is like having those landing legs supporting the weight of 2 African Elephants on Earth.

    5 hours ago, OHara said:

    So decelerating the 15t calls for 15×4.5 = 68kN of force, provided by whichever landing legs can participate.  

    I'll give reducing the lander's mass a try, then. I did use...quite a bit of fuel.

  4. So....I built a lander for the Mun, which uses four of the LT-2 landing legs. EVERY time I try to land, one or two of the legs explode. Even at speeds of 3.0m/s. I'm landing on a slope of around 15-20 degrees, but this happens even when landing on all of the legs equally. Are these things seriously this poorly programmed? They're supposed to survive 12m/s.  It's not unreasonable to expect them to survive even half of that. My craft is 15 tons, so that shouldn't be the issue. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Is there a file I can edit to increase their impact resistance? I've seen posts with this exact issue from years ago, so apparently the developers haven't gotten around to fixing it themselves.

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