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  1. I've got an open mind, I'm not convinced on any theory or explanation of the Tic Tac UFOs. No theory really seems to add up. If it was a secret, classified project why have they been operating in plain sight of the US military, for the past few years, allowing them to be filmed and captured on radar? If this technology from another nation you would think they would be more secretive. Perhaps they are observing US naval ships, strategies etc but for 2 years+? Seems overkill. If it's human designed, i don't believe its manned. But I just struggle to understand how we could develop a craft that can move in the way the Tic Tac UFOs move. Dropping 30'000m in a matter of seconds, flying at 60'000km/hr, dropping into the ocean and disappearing. If it is of human design, I'm more inclined to think it's some kind of camouflage, stealth technology that is somehow capable of tricking people into seeing something move in this extraordinary manner when in fact it's not moving at these incredible speeds. Or perhaps it's just some kind of projected visualisation. An illusion? But then you come back to the UFO's behaviour? This amazing technology exists, you either keep it secret or you let the world know about it. Flying around the US Navy for years seems illogical. If it is of human design I would imagine it's from a privately owned company as opposed to government owned. I don't really buy into the theory that this is some kind of alien technology. And I don't think it is an actual physical object, I think it's most likely some kind of visual trickery. But even that doesn't make sense. Who is operating the Tic Tacs, why have they been operating them for so long, what do they want?
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