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Everything posted by OsTa666

  1. I've played Kerbal since it's first month of release and have 1300 hours logged (seems like longer). I've had so much enjoyment out of this game but of late (since the last two DLC's) the Krakken has been appearing so often I've now given up in frustration. If I could request one single thing it's that KSP2 is given the time it deserves to NOT feature the Krakken, take your time, do it justice, kill the krakken! I'm looking forward to KSP2 like a giddy school boy but if it's a krakken playground I can't see myself putting more than single digit hours into it. Everything I've seen in the dev diaries/trailers leads me to believe the game is in good hands, I just wanted to say, please, take that extra time, do it right, please. An anxious fan.
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