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Posts posted by SirGreyliege

  1. 14 hours ago, Kerdel said:

    Have you tried a full reinstall of everything using ckan? The changed config of AVP in 4.11 for scatterer doesn't block changes anymore after the update. Those lines were removed that interfere with scatterer.

    Maybe something is still using old settings for you or stuck in an old config you removed? 

    Well, I removed everything with CKAN. Reinstalled all three. I'm not sure if it's leaving behind a config or something.

    I still have the same error and nothing changes. In fact, sometimes it says Kerbin has no oceans. Which is interesting.

  2. On 5/29/2021 at 11:37 AM, blackrack said:

    AVP overrides the settings.  You can just go in AVP folder and look for the .cfg patch that overrides the scatterer config and delete it.

    I've gone in and deleted both scatterer configs and I'm still unable to change any settings. The advanced menu still reports that there is a Module Manager cfg.

    I've been uninstalling and reinstalling all three graphics mods to see if maybe some update needs to get through.

    Hope you can help and thanks for reading.

  3. On 5/29/2021 at 12:13 PM, Kerdel said:

    Just like Blackrack mentioned, but for me it was also fixed with the latest AVP update 4.11.  The author removed the Scatterer config in AVP because of this

    I checked my version number and I'm still getting the issues. I went in and looked but I'm not sure which cfg to delete. There is an overall AVP_Scatterer cfg and then there is one specific to Kerbin.

  4. Hello and thanks for reading. Just downloaded AVP, EVE Redux, and Scatterer. I've been fiddling around with settings and configs within KSP, but Scatterer appears to not register any change at all.

    If this has already been addressed, sorry for the redundancy. But I haven't found anything on it yet.

    The blue preset icon only appears on the toolbar when I am at KSC, and any change made with the advanced menu doesn't register at all.

    I hope there's some answer to this. Thanks again!

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