I built a delivery vehicle for my scanner probe. Stage 2 is somewhat under-powered and my first launch had some problems with the craft reacting to much to pitch controls so to make it gain some some speed I was turning towards horizon very early on. I didn't expected it to make it to the orbit and I was very surprised to see my apoapsis reaching 90 km. Then I managed to circularize the orbit with as few ass 110 delta-V and I had about 70 delta-V for de-orbiting and landing after separating the probe.
The delivery vehicle craft had the battery packs and solar panels placed on the outside and they burned on re-entry. Other than that the delivery vehicle landed nicely on the KSC runway.
My delight was ruined when I switched to the probe to see that I completely forgot to place some solar panels on the probe. I loaded an earlier save, added the solar panels on the probe and now I can't make it to the orbit again.
You can see the updated ship here. The ship was built in KSP 1.11.2 with MechJeb 2, SCANsat v20.4 and Kerbal Engineer Redux 1.8.3. The changes after reaching the orbit on the first attempt are the following:
1. I moved two OX-STAT panels and two Z-100 battery packs to the inside of the cargo bay.
2. I added six OX-4L 1x6 solar panels on the probe.
3. I removed monopropellant from the cockpit.
4. I removed all items from the pilots inventory (EVA jetpack and EVA experiments kit).
I only had one crew member, a pilot, on both the successful attempt and the later attempts.
Could someone please explain what ascend profile should I use for this craft? The added weight from the solar panels is small and somewhat compensated by removing the monopropellant and inventory items so I think the reason I can't even reach a circular orbit now is the ascend profile.