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Everything posted by KenLizotte

  1. Ahh.. I had a feeling that it would be an easy recovery. Works perfectly. Thanks.
  2. KSP crashed while I was in a game. after I restarted the game, the 'Continue Saved Game' menu displays the game, but says 'Just started'. I'm not very familiar with the file structure, but I see the game under the 'saves' folder. Is there any way to reload this game using or editing some files in the 'saves' folder? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ELD5s3F4pAiqhp8dCmVVCFtIjyc4pd9/view?usp=share_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-EGM8XsHu-mXurs0HOn1LrUVF2-3JwXy/view?usp=share_link
  3. Ok, I'll recall Arfrod for the second time and send him back with a ladder. Heck, each repair craft is under 30K!!! If this doesn't work I'll move on...
  4. Thanks for the help. I relaunched with a grappler this time, so now I'm attached to the satellite. The Z400 is too large (50L) for the engineer even without the parachute and jet pack (40L). So I attach the Z400 to the rescue ship and now I want to move to the satellite and try to move it there. However, there is nothing to grab on the satellite. Do you have any suggestions? Is there an handheld grappler or something like that? I'm so close...
  5. I'm trying my first in-flight part attachment to complete a contract. -I have the Z-400 in a SEQ-9 Container Module - I have rendezvoused with the inoperable satellite -I have an Engineer in EVA in construction mode. I can drag the Z-400 out of the SEQ-9, but how do I get the Engineer to move it and attach it to the satellite? Is it because it is too big for one kerb? If so, how would I get it to the satellite? Thanks, all.
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