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Everything posted by ItzZaphkiel

  1. YES I GOT IT WORKING. steps: install ksp 1.8.1 modify the folder inside C:\Program Files\KSP\GameData\Squad\Parts\Resources\LargeTank, modifying LargeTank.cfg, scalling the mass 50.0 and the name to LargeTankHEAVY!. modify the name of the folder too, so duplicate that folder, and put in the copy folder everything from the old folder, but let the mass 50.0, more details ask me
  2. But not mod, i got it workig on 2019-2020, and heres link:
  3. Hi there. Theres a video on youtube showing a really cool submarine, and the description says : "In video used 100% STOCK PARTS, but heavy ore tank increased x50 mass." but i didint find heavy ore tank, and there are other milion missing parts, could somebody help me?
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