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  1. Some time ago my UI for tanks changed (the green bar with who you can put as much fuel u want in the tank ) to some wierd number changer maybe i pres something
  2. In Ksp there is not much sense in why whod you send a probe instead of kerbal (science mode). Now Im talking about sending probes to like duna or minmus not jool or perhaps OPM. I think this problem can be fixed by adding sanity bars to the kerbals that meaning that they can't support to stay up in space for years and that they need to be replaced. I also think that by adding seasons to KSP 2 will fix this because just think about that a probe could stay forever in space and why not get passive science from it sometimes (from observing the seasons). I was also thinking of cameras (for photos). I think that will be a nice think to have not only for science gather but also for space enthusiasm
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