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Fritz Meissner

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Everything posted by Fritz Meissner

  1. Thanks for looking. For my education, I think you are saying that the parts interfere in the vertical dimension, is that correct ? How does one look for this ?
  2. I'm new to Kerbal, just working through the training missions. I had done the Go for Orbit Mission successfully using SAS and then went back to try it again with manual control, which was just after 1.12 had been downloaded. Was going OK, but when I dropped the lower stage the capsule went violently out of control. I concluded this was my reactions not being quick enough, so I tried again using SAS, and got the same result when I separated from the lower stage. I've tried it a couple of times now and every time after staging the mission terminated with a message that I was far off course. Once there was a very strange occurrence where the lower stage didn't separate cleanly, it separated a little bit and then hung there for a while before dropping off entirely. In all cases SAS was engaged, in target mode and seemed to follow the target OK. I'm also having a problem with To the Mun Part 2 mission, but since I've never done this successfully before 1.12, that may just be a problem with what I'm doing. I'm concluding that this is a regression in 1.12 - can someone else try the mission and confirm my results ?
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