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Everything posted by MildSenseOfDoom

  1. Thank you for the replies, I was sure I had those straight away in career mode when I played last but I just must've been mistaken
  2. I've come back to KSP after a few years since playing it (i.e. I'm on a newer version on which I assume things have changed) and there isn't automatically an apogee on my trajectory in the map view where there was before. I've not found a setting for this or anything else on the internet, do I need to get some upgrade to get this feature? I'm on career mode, and didn't have the apogee/perigee even though I was in space above 70 km. I couldn't get this forum to upload from the following URL, but here's a picture to clarify: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5fericue4crcoq5/kerbal.png?dl=0
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