Hello people,
I started playing career mode a while ago and after completing some easy peasy (Mun, Minmus etc.) missions, I have gotten stumbled by a mission that requires me to land on Eve surface and come back to Kerbin.
The thing is I feel OK with general controls and methods of interplanetary travel (I was even able to do a flyby near Eve and return back to Kerbin earlier), but after many attempts to build an adequate ship for this particular mission I failed mostly because having insufficient delta-V. I feel I have to note the most powerful tech I currently have access to;
1- RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine
2- S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback" Solid Fuel Booster
3- Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank
After building a 1400000 $ monstrous contraption (cannot upload image for some reason "https://imgur.com/a/Hka5y4d") and yet failing again because of insufficient delta-V, I started to consider if I was doing something wrong and looking for online material. Only videos I could find about this mission involved more powerful tech than I currently have, so I need your help.
What I need is a video tutorial or some thorough example that shows how it should be done with my current tech or similar (FOR CAREER MODE). All help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance.