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Everything posted by TEStYOS

  1. I feel really stupid. I was just making sure it wasn't any of the parts, so first i tried the non-OPT but still modded-in parts, and after a few tests, i found out it was my large docking port. And yes, it was through Steam. Thanks for sending the guide though, I didn't see that. I'll make sure to use it before i make another post.
  2. Apparently, my OPT crafts just fly into the air or break like this, even with stabilisers. This happened in 1.12 and 1.11.2. I can't install World Stabiliser as that would make my loading screen freeze at "Loading Part Upgrades" This is what the log says. It gets spammed by this. Help is appreciated. This is my first post so sorry if i forgot something or messed up. This is my GameData folder, by the way. I installed most of the NearFuture mods and some graphical mods too. There are also part customisation mods and HyperEdit is installed.
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