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Everything posted by Stromko

  1. I tried a number of designs in both spaceplane and rocket design hangars, but I was using the MK2 cockpit for all of my control surface / winged design tests. It seems to have different behavior than the other cockpits, as I\'ve just now been testing bare cockpits with AV-R8 winglets attached. The MK2 and MK3 cockpits have the reversed input that I was talking about, but the MK1 and Command Pod don\'t. Other components that I attach winglets to also seem to reverse the input like that. Currently I have an Mk1 cockpit on the pad with a 'Mk3 to Mk2' hull module attached behind it. The winglets on the hull module are reversed, while the winglets on the Mk1 cockpit are acting as they should. What I seem to be experiencing is that some components will reverse the input on winglets, others won\'t? Edit: After a couple hours work I was actually able to get a controllable plane into the air, by experimenting with what parts did and did not reverse the control service orientation. It doesn\'t matter at all how I flip the control surfaces when I put them on, all that matters is that some base components will cause any control surfaces put on them to have their output flipped once in-game. I\'m done tinkering at the moment, though. On the nth attempt to refine the design, it glitched and now loading the design takes a few minutes and once it\'s in half of it is transparent and bright white, while the right side of the screen is filled with a single stage consisting of landing gear and some sort of struts alternating all the way down. Couldn\'t take the bugged part of and salvage it or anything. Different bug entirely than what I\'m talking about with the control surfaces, obviously.
  2. I\'d like to know as well, as I\'ve had no luck with control surfaces or wings. Anything I add wings or control surfaces to inherently becomes less flightworthy. Most control surfaces seem to have the opposite of the intended behavior, no matter where or how I place them. As in, if I tell the craft to go left, all the control surfaces will orient themselves as if to push it right. If I try to raise pitch, all the control surfaces move as if to drive my craft into the ground. This holds true no matter what orientation the control surfaces are placed with, it adapts to always do the opposite of what they should do.
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