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Posts posted by Maverick040

  1. 1 hour ago, Master39 said:

    Define "interacting with other people".

    I guess you want to try the new progression that seems to be the main focus of this game, right?

    With all of its huge infrastructure requirements, multiple bases collecting resources and supply lines to move them between the mines and the factories.

    If you can't manage different levels of timewarp at once and sync up the result you can't use the multiplayer for doing that.

    I'm not looking forward to make a mun mission with my friend then close the session and then we both go back to our single player saves, I'm looking forward to replace single player with the multiplayer and have a single save in which 4 or 5 people play together each one with their own space program, like we do in Minecraft, Stellaris, Factorio (to an extent, immagine not being able to work on the smelters because a player is working with trains) and a dozen of other games.


    Anything less than that and multuplayer is not even worth having, I can coach a friend or let him playing Collins while I land on the Mun by streaming my monitor, no need for multiplayer for that.

    Interacting with people could be collisions, docking, resource sharing, etc.


    The method I proposed can sync multiple multiplayers.  The only limitation is that players can't interact with other player's "currently warping assets". 

    To simplify, my idea is shown in the attached image:KSP2_Multiplayer_Schematic.jpg

  2. Hey! I am sorry if this is repetitive and long. I was pondering about a solution for the time-warp functionality of a multiplayer gameplay. Recently, inspired by the series "Loki", I thought it could be implemented as a parallel timeline "situation".  This could also introduce a new mode in co-op multiplayer as a "Mission Director".

    This could work as follows:

    • Player asks for permission from the "host"/"Mission Director" for time-warp.
    • Once approved, this player is branched into a parallel time-line, this also triggers a "save game" event for backup.
    • The splitting and merging of time-lines can be controlled by the "Mission Director"
    • Once the timeline splits, the player has independent control of his time-warp, the updates will be saved locally on their PC. 
    • Any subsequent "timeline split" events triggered by other players will trigger their own independent timelines while again updating the common save file.
    • Once the player is satisfied with the time warp, they could request the "Mission Director" for merging their timeline into the main timeline. 
    • This could be done by updating the common save file by using the player's local save file made during the timeline split duration.

    Regarding what the other players would "see" when a player has branched out into an independent timeline:

    • The "independent" player craft/asset will be updated in the "common game" only when the player performs a trajectory/ attitude change maneuver. Until then, the "branched timeline" does not trigger a synchronization of the save files.
    • The timestamp and the maneuver info will be updated on the common game. This will be "executed" in the common game at the timestamp.
    • The "Mission Director" can visualize these branched timelines and the "synchronization nodes" in the timelines. They can choose to authorize it or not. This will determine if the actions in the split timeline will affect the common timeline.
    • This also means that a player in a branched timeline can revert to any point in the timeline which is ahead of the current time in the common timeline.



    Actions in the branched timeline does not affect another branched timeline

    Inter-Vessel Interactions b/w multiple players must happen in the common timeline



    A new "role" to enjoy KSP: "Mission Director", potentially, server game can be made into several roles: Craft Builder, Engineer, Pilot, Astronaut, Scientist etc.

    Revert possible: to some extent

    Players can be less worried about their actions killing the entire game: independent timeline + Sync. Node authorization


    P.S:  To make "Mission Director" more busy, they could add roles like remote control. Once a player lands a ship and delivers a cargo, the cargo "control" is patched over to the "Mission Director" to assemble/deploy it. This will free up the player to do his tasks rather than change vessels and do it himself. This could be helpful in base building scenarios where you can have re-supply pilots taking care of flying/driving, the mission director does the base management eg. life-support/ power etc. for the base.


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