Is there any mod that adds more real life objects in our solar system for RSS that works in the latest version of ksp and is there any plans to add more bodies to the solar system in the official rss mod?
Is there any mod that lets you freely move objects in the VAB, whenever i try move stuff too far it glitches out and stops me or just move it really close or up and down ect
It's weird how all kerbals have the same surename.... the same surename means that they come from the same family... and all new kerbals have the same surname... so does that mean incest is legal on kerbin?!?!?
Hi all, Ive been having issues with my commnet stuff, none of the green lines show up, nothing in the top right or anything. It's like all my commnet is non existant but i can still connect to the KSC and stuff. Could someone help?
Log: Player (
Hey, for a while now i've just been clipping through asteroids when trying to attach to them. Then i hit something hard and i still cannot attach? Does anyone know how to fix it?
how do i stop this from happening, im just trying to make a manuever and it just appears and i cant make it anymore, i have to delete it and do it again.