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Everything posted by Nezus

  1. Sorry for late answer, I tried putting it down there but pretty much gave me the same error, maybe it could be about the "removeAllPQSMods" function, idk.
  2. Hey, I did what you told me to do on the second config, I removed the the two rims and also the gradient but I'm not sure where to place the "removeAtmosphere" function. I tried putting it in the ScaledVersion but it didn't work and still gave me an error, also tried on the Template but didn't work Can you tell me where I need to place it? Also thanks for helping.
  3. It never loads into the game and I'm not sure why, log file says that I didn't specify a "Object reference" or some type of stuff .cfg file And the log file I initially thought that it was an error due of a spelling mistake but I didn't find any can someone please help me out? Edit: So, I've made another file and this time it worked out, it was about the extension thing and I didn't have to specify it, but another problem came in log file I think it's telling me that I need an atmosphere even tho I don't want it, I dont really know Also the new .cfg for my new planet So yeah uh, anyone that can help me in both issues?
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