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Posts posted by dezintegracja

  1. 14 hours ago, Average joe thats not joe said:

    Hey so I noticed that when I recover a used stage using this mod my game just stops responding for a long time (over 1-2 hours long) I want to know why does this happen as it takes 4 times as long to recover the craft as it does to reload the entire game and whether or not I can try to make it load faster. This also only started happening recently so I really doubt it has to do with my device being a potato. KSP.log file download

    bruh you have <4 gigs ram what do you expect

  2. 6 hours ago, RyanRising said:

    What is the reasoning for not keeping all the physical characteristics of the parts exactly the same, rather than mostly the same? It is possible to change textures and models without modifying the behaviour of the parts at all, right?

    well aerodynamics is partly calculated based on models, so if you change them, part should behave a little bit different (or so I assume, i'm not really a unity nerd). But from my experience the changes are so small that if you don't especially look for them you don't notice them.

  3. On 7/11/2021 at 3:58 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

    What makes you think it doesn't work for 1.12?  Have you tried it yet?

    Most mods which are compatible with 1.8 and newer will work, try it first before asking for updates

    I've tried, it kept crashing everytime i opened the launcher or KSP directly, after removing it and dependencies ksp works fine. I'm assuming it's got to do woth changes in 1.12 as FMRS worked fine in 1.11.2

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