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Everything posted by Starshot

  1. It's a good question and good to ask these things. There seems to me quite strong empirical evidence that clouds of dust and gas will collapse into a disc rather than capture of material already polarised - this is from looking at galaxy and exoplanets. Galaxies like our own are very approximately flat discs and are very common, so there must be something causing that at the galactic scale. Furthermore in exoplanetary systems we have observed exoplanets in approximately the same plane - like our own solar system - which would be unlikely if it was by coincidence of extrastellar capture that our solar system was flat.
  2. Yeah, I would always recommend looking at Jupiter and Saturn for people trying out amatuer astronomy. Craters on the moon are also cool even with loads of light pollution. Happy stargazing OP
  3. Mars Reappearance: 1st sighting 05:57:11:09 Fully Detached 05:57:36:71 Fully detached is probably the more accurate of these observations. Will DM you the location
  4. Mars Occultation from Derbyshire: 1st contact 04:57:02:82 UTC Didn't get full disappearance, sadly. Should be able to get reappearance in about half an hour.
  5. AtomicClock: NTP Time has an settings option where tapping anywhere on the screen freezes clock on click, so can click on event and then screenshot or write down the time when screen frozen.
  6. Brit with telescope here, I'm willing to give it a go. Current weather forecast is 15% cloud at that time, so may not be possible but I'm up for trying.
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