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Everything posted by Boombi

  1. Thanks, I play with my game in French might be bad translation or then it's just me who doesn't understand excrements. Thank you very much for clarifying ! It says that the station must be fully assembled at launch, does that mean I have to send a completely new one or can I just dock some more batteries ?
  2. Hello, I have played KSP for a long time now (around 1000 hours) but I didn't play carrier a lot so I sometimes have trouble to really understand what the contracts want from me. I had to put a space station around minmus with specific parts attached to it. But I also had another condition stating I had to collect 7500 electric charge with it which I still haven't achieved. It has gone around minmus for multiple revolutions now with a lab that is running non stop but I still haven't completed the contract. Each time it is going into the shadow it completely drains the 2300 electric charge on the station which are recharged fully once it gets back in the sun. Do I need to have a capacity of 7500 electric charge on the station for the contract to be completed or could there be something else i'm not getting.
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