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Everything posted by serdan

  1. You seem to be implying that they're legally prevented from doing the thing, That's silly. Requiring every single decision to be directly profitable would be insane. Open sourcing KSP would fall under "community care/relations" which is something they already spend resources on. I've already granted that it's not going to happen in reality, but it's absolutely something they could do.
  2. Open source can have restrictive licensing. They could allow pull requests from fans while retaining full rights. As for competition, if they do a good job on the sequel it'll only be die hard fans who continue playing the original (and most of those will buy the sequel regardless). They're probably not going to do it, because corporations are gonna corporate, but the arguments against aren't nearly as strong as you'd think.
  3. Fixed in 1.12.2 Vessels in existing saves will get unique ids when the save is loaded. What this means is that any future alarms will work as expected. However, existing alarms that were borked will continue to be borked, but it will be easy to tell if a vessel no longer has an alarm linked to it.
  4. I just change the last digit and then search the file for other occurrences (unlikely, as the numbers are random, but check anyway). Yes. You can double check it in the persistent.sfs file. 1. Goto: \Kerbal Space Program\saves\mysave\ 2. Open persistent.sfs in notepad or some other text editor. 3. Search for the name of a vessel. 4. Go through the results until you find a block labeled "VESSEL". 5. Copy the value from the "persistentId" field (should be the second field from the top). 6. Search for other VESSEL blocks with that id.
  5. Bug #28315: Maneuver alarm switches to wrong vessel - Kerbal Space Program - Squad Bugtracker Bug #28207: If two crafts have the same persistent ID there is an AOORE for Maneuver Alarms. - Kerbal Space Program - Squad Bugtracker @TriggerAu, it'd be nice to get a word on this. For players the tl;dr is that creating two vessels from the same craft file will bug out. You must click "new" between each launch and can't load vessels. Using merge or subassemblies is fine. Amusingly there's no problem with vessels that split into multiple vessels after launch. Docking and undocking also results in new ids being generated. Existing saves can be fixed manually by opening persistent.sfs and giving each vessel a unique "persistentId" and updating "vesselId" for any associated alarms.
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