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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Add me to the motorized hinges wishlist. I know there are some great mods with such parts but I don't like the idea where everyone is playing a different game.
  2. I'll add my 2 cents. When mining resources thus producing fuel becomes possible, it would be very convenient to have some way to transfer fuel and other resources from mines to space stations. To make it somewhat authentic, there could be a 2 part resource transfer module - one part (in shape of some rocket launching station) would have to be placed on the ground, and the other part (some special docking station) would have to be placed on space station. The process of launching cargo-rockets and docking to the station would be autonomous, it would not have to be visible. Another idea to increase the importance of space stations: currently there's too little profit from bringing manned or unmanned ships back to Kerbin. You can just land and transmit data over and over again until you drain all research points. If bringing your ship back would become very important, having a refueling station on low orbit would become beneficial as it makes such missions much easier. Also, in addition to research points, some unlocks should require completing some specific missions, which would involve some space station related activities.
  3. So here's something different. I don't really know if it's an easter egg or some graphical glitch, and I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned it yet (sorry if I missed it), as it struck me the first time I got to Bop. Look at the mountains above my ship and you should see that the brighter mountain seems to be moving relative to the darker mountains, as if Bop was made of two bodies that intersect each other.
  4. I found some cool protractor tool that you can use with KSP. It's not a mod but a separate Windows application, it's free and the only requirement to make it work is to run KSP in windowed mode. You can get it here: http://www.markus-bader.de/MB-Ruler/download.htm And that's how it looks (it's customizable and you can measure other dimensions too):
  5. - Navigational instruments that would allow more precise orbital transfers - Possibility to add descriptions to our projects - Rover wheels with electric motors and solar panels to provide electicity - Dust/water effects on landing and heat effects in atmosphere - Some changes to Eve scenery because it's very nice from the distance but looks pretty ugly once you land and liquid oceans are too transparent.
  6. It's not that easy. I think it wouldnt take long before people found a way to put enough nosecones to make whole ship's drag coefficient negative.
  7. Obra?asz kogo? bo chce mie? mo?liwo?? wyboru ojczystego j?zyka w grze? Ogarnij si? cz?owieku, a poszukiwania debila zacznij od spojrzenia w lustro.
  8. To i ja si? dopisz? Tak jak poprzednicy, Kerbale pozna?em dzi?ki filmikowi VonZaya. Od siebie polec? wszystkim zainstalowanie plugina MechJeb. Funkcja utrzymywania pionowej pozycji rakiety bardzo przydaje si? przy l?dowaniu dok?adnie tam gdzie chcemy (a jest tam te? wiele innych rzeczy). Gdyby dosz?o do skutku t?umaczenie Kerbali na nasz j?zyk to równie? ch?tnie bym w tym pomóg?.
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