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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have Jave on my computer and I can't get this to Run either. Any chance someone can Compile this into an Executable?
  2. Can we have 2 Versions of it? I like Having the Fuel Go thru them.
  3. Yes please fix it. We can't add Heat Sinks and the Like onto them either. Keep Burning out Engines while hauling Retarded amounts of Fuel.
  4. Can we have one with the Official Flag of Kernida? (Canada)
  5. It is Wobbly - Just Turn down your Thrust some and it goes away. You prolly have To much Kick behind them.
  6. You need to Play with your Staging so that the Decoupe and the REtros are in the same stage and go at the same time. When you attach it all Manually adjust the staging on the Right to have them in the same group and it usually takes care of it. By default they end up in seperate stages. So either adjust tehm manually or learn to double tap Space.
  7. Ok so for the First Set of Nacelles - Can't get them to stay on the Ship - as soon as they Fire they are Gone. For the second set - Do they need Fuel or something? I can't get them to Fire up
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