Hi all, I think I've got a reasonably controlled example of the kraken attack Gotmachine was talking about in his/her posts of 5 Sept (a couple of pages back). Apologies if this is in the wrong place to be posting or whatever - I'm new.
I can reproduce it consistently with autostruts turned on, and subsequent to a series of set-up steps. The before shot was taken post launch into a 200km JNSQ orbit with a couple of course adjustments and warps, and in and out of map mode. No quick saves. No problems so far.
The after shot was taken subsequent to switching to another vessel in LKO with a small course adjustment to that vessel, and then switching back again. As sure as night follows day it will engineer a kraken attack. With autostruts off, nothing happens.
There's something similar going on around docking port use, but I haven't been able to control that properly yet.
Anyway, just thought this might be useful to someone. It's a deal-breaker for me I think. It's so regular now with larger vessels that the game has become almost unplayable. I strongly suspect it's Kerbalism and the load it puts on my CPU, so very sadly am incline to rebuild a game without it.
And after: