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  1. For posterity though I would like to note that these were polar orbits, and my inclination was exactly 90 deg as ordered, but when I looked at the ARG it didn't make sense, and the smoking gun was the bright blue target trajectory animating the opposite way from my probe. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Thanks again!
  2. Yep, by dumb luck I entered two orbits three times in a row going retrograde, after having accidentally done it the right way the first missions I completed.
  3. So, I thought I'd be clever. I had three 'new satellite to target orbit' missions active at once, one mostly on the ecliptic around Kerbin and two in polar orbit around the Mun. I launched one ridiculously well-fueled von braun style probe, and noticed that it satisfied all three 'build a new satellite' requirements. So, I hit the Kerbin orbit, got a complete, and then sent it on out to the mun, planning on hitting both of those polar orbits with it as well. I got it much closer than I ever had to get on previous missions and it just would not give me the 'reach target orbit within reasonable deviation' condition. Everything else was green. So, I shrugged it off, assuming the missions had some way of 'claiming' individual vessels. I launched two more probes for the mun, and each of them also satisfied both 'new satellite' conditions. I sent the first one to the same orbit I previously tried, still no worky. Sent the other to the other, and spent the last couple hours squirting bee farts this way and that to get my orbit just as perfect as I could, absolutely perfect to visual inspection and with my ap/pe each within 30 meters of the target in elevation and visually right on top of each other, to significantly greater accuracy than the smallest change possible to affect with one radial bee fart. Still no worky. Any thoughts?
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