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Everything posted by charz185

  1. If you mean extraplanetary launchpads, i dont see why not. Just test it, if it doesnt work, please tell me. Anyways, sorry for the late response.
  2. Im excited for the modding, I can't wait to see what challenges we as a community will overcome in modding this new game. For example, updating kopernicus to ksp2, or even my mod, randomized systems. I just cant wait to see the spectacular things we will do as a community.
  3. This poll has renewed due to a tie. May the best feature win!
  4. Hi everyone, I have been slowly updating the mod, I have added one new part and changed some textures. I would like to know what everyone wants to see next in the next update. poll overview: timed warp drive: a new part that warps a vessel after a set timer to a set seed. Warp drive improvements: warp drives now require a lot of electric charge and emit heat after use. Warp drive Crystal: The warp drive now requires warp crystal, which is made from electricity and ore. The tank will just store it. visual effects: I will add visual effect to the warping sequence in game. Im not sure what it would look like yet. If either 2 or 3 wins, the other option will not be used in the future. So choose carefully. Lastly, the mod is now on space dock for easy download. Also it has a cool new logo! https://spacedock.info/mod/3161/Randomized Systems (updated)#info
  5. solved, I redid my code all over, now it works. sorry for posting this question. The answer to the problem was specific to the mod im reviving, and was not a error for the game.
  6. so i'm reviving a mod right now and i've run into something. The game instantly just shuts down when loading into a save would someone please volunteer to look at the log and help me out? log
  7. working on randomized systems again for a bit. Not sure if I can get it to work. but im trying :)

  8. Hi, I'm new on the forums, so I can't message you. But I'm remaking this mod, and if you want to help or something you can find more info here -> or you can email me at czabelski@gmail.com. I haven't figured out how to randomize the systems yet. But I have updated the mod to 1.12.3, added a new resource and part, and gotten warping to new systems to work as well. if you want to see some of my other work for Minecraft look up attack on block on curse forge. I have made one mod for ksp before this mod. Its called the habitator mod. have a great day!
  9. hi I'm remaking this mod, the creator of the mod has given me permission to update this mod to 1.12.3. you can find the new version here -> mods can close this forum/topic if they want.
  10. thank you, but i can't take any credit. this was made by another user but abandoned. dont worry, i did email them and they gave me permission to revive this mod.
  11. Hi, i hope your having a wonderful day today! I would like to show you the updated version of the not so well known mod which is called.... Randomized systems! this updated version is for 1.12.3, and is working now! ok but here is how it works, you need one thing to warp. you need : - a warp drive on a working ship Instructions: so first you press seed up until you have the desired alternate universe you want, and then you press warp. to get back to the original system, you press the "return to kerbol" button. here's a showcase video: and here is the github: https://github.com/charz185/Randomized-KSP-Systems/releases license: GNU General public license v2 ^ found at LICENSE file in source
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