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  1. So, I had posted quite a long response, and then went further into support and found a fix ! I returned to this thread to edit my previous post, and while I was doing that, I got a "post approved" notice (I'm new today, and that was my first post here :P). I finished my edit, clicked save, and checked out the notice. I then came back to look at my post and.... it's gone ?! I assume its because I was in the process of editing as post was approved, dunno. ....aaaaanyways. See Worked for me. Peace yall
  2. Same same, with some trials of "options"... I tried multiple other low part count stock ships, but only one got me past the first Place Engine step. I was able to use The Jumping Flea, instead of the Hopper, took everything off from below top coupler down, and this got me to the place engine test - no engines. I then deleted said coupler, and the tutorial moved on to next step as if I had placed an engine (??). Anyways, I rolled with it ignoring the first engine req. and carried on until asked to place the swivel engine below the 5 FLT100 tanks. No engines. Then I gave up and wrote this. This info was provided in case any devs are watching. Thought it may help point to what's broken. I have been playing KSP "casually" on Xbox for a few months, but decided yesterday to buy for my pc, assuming the building controls and general menu navigation would be better (it is, considerably, plus it looks twice as good and loads EVERYTHING 10x faster to boot). I only ran the tutorials to get a quick brief on how I'd be controlling what, to save reading through the controls list for now. (mainly I couldn't, and still haven't figured how to Rotate or Move parts in the editor, I can rotate them before placing with qweasd, but once placed, cant figure how to activate the Rotate or Move commands, I've clicked the icons, then clicked the part, but then, I dunno, doesn't seem to take (TBH I've only spent an hour or so in the game so far).... It's off to see Manuel for me! (after I file my bug report) Peace UPDATE: see "Bugs in tutorial" thread in forum support. This "fix" worked for me. again, Peace.
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