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Everything posted by RikaRoleplay

  1. I have also thought about replacing the apoapsis numbers with numbers representing the date of launch, such as YEAR,MM,DD as that kinda would work like a serial number, and in fact I am going to start a new save specifically to do this for all craft blueprints as well as I feel this will help me make the names simpler.
  2. So I have been doing a "Roleplay" for my Space Program, set up spreadsheets to track stats like Money, Science and Reputation of various programs that are based on IRL ones (but a parody), so mostly doing parodies of Corporate entities like SpaceX and Blue Origin, FireFly, etc. I also have them competing vs Kerbal Space Program, and Kerbal Space Pioneers (Retro KSP in my RP) I been naming crafts in several methods, but the one I am currently going with is the following schematic: Each launch vehicle has a name, and each package to be launched (pods, satellites, Munlanders, etc) has a name for the spacecraft schematic. For example, I might name one launch vehicle "Kerbal 1" with increasing numbers based on how "upgraded" they are, version number in description. The package is named after the control point usually, so Stayputnik would be a "0" or "Tier 0" Satellite, and I would tack on Relay if it had a relay satellite as well, as the package decided the icon I used. This is for the blueprints, so an example would be my Kerbal 3 (RSat2) (RSat for Satellite Relays, Sat for Satellites, SS for Space Station, etc). I then changed the name for each mission after launching the vehicle based on the contract, and orbit. This is where I need the most advice atm. A kerbal Minmus Mission would be named the following after reaching the contracted polar orbit with apoapsis of 112km... K3m2-RSat2-P112km (Kerlington Inc.) (50% Fuel) Letter for planet, number for planet from star, m for moon, # for number from planet - Package Name (RSat2) - Letter for Orbit type, three numbers (decimal too sometimes) for altitude rounded up, unit for distance in meters (m, km, Mm, Gm, TM, PM, etc.), and then (Company for Contract Shortened Name), such as I.I. for Integrated Integrals, and finally, if I am on the last fueled stage of my satellite, I will put a fuel percentage rounded to the nearest 5% in parenthesis at the end. I don't know if this is the most efficient method, or if I am leaving some really important data out for each launch which I can easily find in the base game, but this is where I have arrived for the moment. I am thinking about removing the Apoapsis/ Altitude distance for the time being, as you can see it for yourself in the Tracking Station, but I would love to hear anyone's ideas on how to name craft in a way so you can know what the craft is just based on the naming scheme. :D
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