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Everything posted by dr_anonymous

  1. I waited for four years for Spore to come out. I got more out of the 0.14 to 0.15 KSP update than I did out of four years of waiting for Spore, I can wait a little longer for 0.16 (which will also please me significantly.) Guys, be patient. The folk at Squad are working their posteriors off to get an excellent game to you, posting complaints about the delay just means one more distraction from it getting done sooner. Keep up the good work, HarV and the rest of the dev team.
  2. No, the Lorentz transformation is sqrt(1-(v2/c2). He explained what was going on so I understand what was going on now.
  3. FTL=Faster than Light, a hyperdrive or warpdrive or somesuch.
  4. Actually, it\'s not so much the firearm as the ammunition. You can pretty much buy (or make) ammo with less powder, therefore granting it less muzzle velocity. Works great for pests and small game. Of course, the price you pay is a quicker drop. Well, somewhat offtopic unless a project HARP or other mass driver is ever implemented.
  5. Spadde, I think that if you\'re going to post a picture from another site, you should reference it. Even if everyone else knows it\'s from http://xkcd.com/695/
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